Awaken Before They’re Taken – Community School Model

from Nicolle Young – Chapter Chair for Moms for Liberty Placer County


A community school is the federal government’s vision for schools across the nation. It is where all the child’s needs will be met on school campus, from medical, to physical, to emotional. They call it the “whole child whole school” method and its development has roots back to the UN.

The CDC is involved, and why on earth would the CDC want to transform education? On the National Education Association website, Cindy Long discussed that community schools provide mental, medical, and dental care

and she hopes that the services can be expanded to address the needs of students, siblings, parents, grandparents and neighbors. That is not school, that is Communism. 

There is much to unpack, and uncover when discussing this model, and many components. I’ll include a very good article on social emotional learning and the community school model.

Social Emotional Learning: The NEW Trojan Horse in Woke Education – Hill for County Central Committee

This is an unfolding disaster, to put it lightly. Our school districts are accepting money from the federal government to further this agenda, and most have no idea what it means. 

Hopefully, we can begin to learn more, and educate our Electeds AND Candidates to stop this new era of Marxism being pushed on our children. 

There will be a conference on October 19th from 9AM-2PM, with breakout sessions (even one for MEN!) :

1. Learn how this money is coming into our county.

2. Learn how to read a school board agenda.

3. How to push back on this in your county.

The conference will be at Destiny Community Center in Rocklin (flyer attached). Tickets are $25 and they include lunch. Here is the link for more information on the conference:

Nicolle Young 

Workshop Flyer